Tree-scape & Fitch LLC

Complete and professional tree care in New Haven, Fairfield, and Litchfield counties

We specialize in difficult takedowns and removals, storm damage, pruning, cabling, stump grinding, prompt courteous service, firewood and immaculate clean-ups. We are licensed, insured, and a member of the Better Business Bureau.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Did you know there is a word for carving words and symbols into a tree?  Arborglyph is derived from arbor meaning tree and glyphein referring to carve.  Lots of couples have carved their initials in a tree, warmly encased in a heart, to signify their love.  Since this blog is hitting on Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d take a quick look at this and other romantic notions about trees.

Carving initials into a tree probably won’t hurt it because you’re not likely to dig deep enough into the bark to do real damage.  However, it’s not exactly a good thing for the tree and you want to take care of that tree since it’s yours.  (Don’t even think about it otherwise.  Carving is illegal in national forests and your neighbor isn’t going to like it much either.)

Create a Lasting Symbol of Love: Plant a Tree

If you’re going to impress the one you love, you want something that’ll last.  A lightly carved bark will grow over in time, much as a scratch on your skin heals.  Since the faint remnant of a scar doesn’t exactly say “romance,” then consider actually planting a tree.  Wisteria trees represent romance. Redwood trees symbolize forever.  Elm stands for inner strength and love.  Willows symbolize inner wisdom, dreams, harmony, and freedom.

A tree is also referenced in a deceptively shocking speech that can be made at a wedding while toasting the happy couple.  “We drink to your coffins.  May they be built from a one-hundred-year-old oak tree... that I shall plant tomorrow.”  That one works well if you pull an acorn from a pocket and those gathered have a sense of humor.

Call your favorite arborist and ask for ideas.  Sure, a box of long-stemmed roses is nice but a healthy tree is something that can grow with your relationship and be a special part of your history together.  Spring wedding anniversaries can be remembered with a tree that flowers in the same month as the wedding date.  Wedding vows can be renewed under the limbs of a tree planted at the same time as the wedding.  A daughter or daughter-in-law’s wedding bouquet can include flowers and leaves from that tree, carrying on a family’s symbol of love.

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day from your favorite guys in the tree service, Brian and Gerry.